Must Sell - I am only the 3rd owner of this mint
condition coupe. The first owner had it from 1990
- 1994, the second owner from 1994 until 2006 when
I purchased it from him. Only 61,000 miles. Has
a removable glass top. The back hatch opens and
the roof stores back there. Interior is
excellent, glass is all in great shape. No known
mechanical problem - this car runs great - lots of
power!!! It's a fun car to drive. It has the
optional sport seats. Just a good car in great
condition. |
for Sale Information
Price: |
11,250 |
State/Zip Code: |
United States Ohio 44077 |
for Sale Ad Information |
Classified ID: |
Seller: |
Pamodum |
Ad started: |
Sep 30 |
Ad Views: |
5381 |